Wang 700A Running
Running with only a minor fault
After setting up the ROM Emulator for a 700 series machine there was no harm in bypassing basic tests and attempting to boot up a complete 700A microcode image.
… and it worked.
The machine came up with just one blank Nixie in the Y register. All other functions seemed to work properly, at least to an initial checkout. The blank Nixie looks physically OK, so hopefully it’s a driver transistor or similar, rather than a dead tube.
The ROM Emulator installs nicely in a space behind the PCBs, two of the Volt Clamps are visible beside the Emulator board. The ROM connectors pass easily through existing gaps in the chassis and the entire installation can be done without any modifications to the metalwork. The ROM Image selector switch can be accessed by drilling a hole through the case and this can be readily concealed by the black grid that forms the upper surface of the case.